Mr. Dov Katz » Mr. Dov Katz

Mr. Dov Katz

Mr. Dov Katz teaches the Video, Media & Broadcasting track at TABC. He has been in the music and entertainment industry for almost 30 years as a performer and educator. As a partner, bandleader, guitarist, and DJ with Krohma and Onkore, Mr. Katz has performed at thousands of smachot over the years and loves spreading the joy of music to his students in the Bergen County and Passaic areas. He became “Digital Dov” over the pandemic and has hosted virtual and in-person gameshows for thousands of people around the world! Dov spends his summers at Camp Morasha bringing his unique sense of fun to the camp experience. He and his wife Gayle are the proud parents of Elisheva (Yitzy) and Ari '19 (Tammie) and the proud grandparents of Ezra.